Alhamdulillah, thanks be to Allah, finally we PonPon Media have successfully completed the Mabadi Fiqh Juz 3. Application "Mabadi Fiqh Juz 3" is an application that explain about the study of fiqh in translation of the book Mabadiul Fiqh especially Juz 3The Book of Mabadiul Fiqhiyyah is a book based on the Imam Asy-Shafii school of thought compiled by Umar Abdul Jabbar which discusses daily worship, such as: Thoharoh, Najis, Istinja, Mandatory Bathing, Tayamum, Prayer, Zakat, Fasting, Hajj , Menstruation & Postpartum and others.This is often known as Fiqh. Fiqh is a field of science in Islamic law that specifically discusses legal issues that regulate human life. This book provides easy-to-understand material for beginners who want to learn about fiqh.This Mabadiul Fiqh Translation is a lesson, in the science of Fiqh of the Imam Shafii RA. The lesson is chosen so that it can be used by school students or Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia.Terjemah Mabadiul Fiqh is an application that explains the Study of Fiqh, the discussion includes the Basic Principles of Islam, and Islamic Laws. There are many explanations about Islamic Laws related to Worshiping Allah SWT.Contents of Application Mabadi Fiqh Juz 3 :- Muqoddimah- Basic Fundamentals of Islam- Islamic Law- Thoharoh (purification)- Unclean And How To Purify- Istinnja- Wudu- Bathe- Tayammum- Menstruation and Postpartum- Prayer- The Pillars of Prayer- Sunnah Sunnah Prayer- Cancel and Makruh Prayers- Nawafil (Sunnah Prayers)- Congregational Prayers- About Makmum- Traveler Prayers- Friday prayers- Prayers for Two Hari Raya- Prayer of the corpse- Zakat Fitrah- Fasting (Soum)- Hajj and Umrah- The conditions are Tawaf and Sai- About ZakatApplication Features Mabadi Fiqh Juz 3 :- Offline Application Without Internet Connection- Lightweight And Fast Application- Applications can be downloaded for FREE- Attractive Design, Simple And Easy To Use- Share feature- Page Zoom Feature (With Smartphone Screen Swipe)This Mabadi Fiqh Juz 3 application may still be far from perfect, therefore we are very open to receiving criticism and suggestions from all users. You can send criticism and suggestions for the development of this application. Hopefully this Mabadi Fiqh Juz 3 application is useful for all of us and congratulations on using this Mabadi Fiqh Juz 3 application from your respective devices. Thank you.